What’s next?
- Continuous Coverage ended March 31st. The process to review people’s eligibility will continue through May 2024.
- If you are still eligible and DCF can renew your coverage without you doing anything, they will. If this is the case, you will receive an approval letter when your Medicaid coverage has been renewed.
- If DCF is not able to renew your coverage automatically, they will send you a notice to reapply, and you will need to take action and complete a redetermination. If you do not respond, you may lose your Medicaid coverage.
- If you no longer qualify for Medicaid, Kidcare, or CHIP, you will qualify for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). You may qualify for a Health Insurance Marketplace. Contact us for free help enrolling and finding an affordable Health Insurance plan! Our Navigators are trained and able to provide free and unbiased help to consumers look for health converge options, including finding and comparing plans, completing eligibility, and finalizing enrollment forms.